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In this Very Life Stories

Bruce said: "A Story a day keeps the teachers away."

Here are some stories that I like. Some of them are simply good jokes. But most of them are stories with Great Wisdom. It may simply take you one minute to read any one of them. However, you will remember some of them for your whole life.

That's why Anthony de Mello called good short stories "One Minute Wisdom":

"Is there such a thing as 'One Minute Wisdom'?"
"There certainly is," said the Master.
"But Surely one minute is too brief?"
"It is fifty-nine seconds too long."

Stories List:

  1. Fingers Pointing to the Moon
  2. Now I am Whole
  3. He will become a Buddha
  4. Why are you crying?
  5. Great Waves
  6. I know where God is
  7. If I had known
  8. Because I didn't like my students
  9. The best horse or the worst horse
  10. He will become a buddha
  11. I don't know how to read
  12. Now the boundary is no more
  13. He never accepted you

















circle moon




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